Scouts BSA Troop 652G

March 2021 Sap Camp

We spent a chilly weekend at Beaumont Reservation learning about how they make maple syrup. There were lots of fun activities including archery, rifles, rock

November 2020 Campsgiving

Our troop was happy to host Arrow of Light and Webelos scouts at our annual Campsgiving campout and help them fulfill Cub Scout rank requirements.

September 2020 Top Shot Camporee

Scouts and leaders spent a weekend at the Top Shot Camporee at Beaumont participating in rifle, slingshots, frisbee golf, spatula throwing, tomahawks, life-sized battleship, a

July 2020 Camp Mountaineer, WV

A small cohort headed to BSA Camp Mountaineer for a second week of socially-distanced summer camp. Mountaineer offered fantastic activities, beautiful outdoor space, opportunity for